An internet post claims a middle school girl in Canada ran an experiment using microwaved boiled water and gas boiled water on plants for her school science project. It shows the microwave boiled water killing the plant in a weeks time. This was rather horrifying to me considering my jaded history with the microwave, so I thought maybe I should put my C minus high school chemistry skills to use and do my own pseudo science experiment.
Well... less than seven days later, I'm done with my experiment. Yes, I concur with middle school girl's results from the experiment. I could not debunk, but only confirm her same results. The microwaved boiled water plant is completely dead.
My amateur conclusion: The microwaved water plant leaves looked diseased and fell off the vine in less than one week. The gas boiled water plant looks the same and it is thriving. Comparing to a third vine that was left on the floor without any water, the third vine just looks a little smaller/drier, but disease free and leaves still remain on the vine. I guess my conclusion is ZERO nutrients is better than microwaved water and there must have been some structural/toxic changes to the water to kill the plant the way it did. What it does to food, who knows? I'm assuming its equal to or much worse. That's my guess.
***See my pics below. If you have babies or small children, I highly recommend you stop using microwaved food or liquids immediately and try running this simple experiment yourself. You can make your own conclusion whether to continue microwave use for your family or not.
I have always had a severe distrust for microwave ovens my whole life.
Whenever I opened that door of death to insert my crappy frozen burrito or last nights leftovers there was always this weird sick feeling in my stomach. It felt similar to guilt or apprehension, your gut telling you that you probably shouldn't do this cause you're making a big mistake. When you stick a piece of chicken in the nuker and you begin to hear the sounds of microwave cooking... those wonderful "popping sounds", your natural survival instincts are screaming at you... "Hey dude! Something's not right!". So what do you do? You pretend you don't hear and ignore it, like always.
Well I can't ignore it anymore.
If one of the plant's leaves start falling off from disease in three days time, that's good enough for me Jack. Yes, this is pseudo science, but I don't give a shit cause nothing is ever apples to apples. I'm not a nuclear physicist or even a grade school chemistry teacher, so I can't tell you what kind of damage is being done to the structure or nutrition of the foods, blah, blah, blah.... but I can tell you I know what a dead plant looks like. It's dead, in less than a week, that's a fact.
If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
I was duped. Yes, Magical Time Machine... if you provide me a pepperoni hot pocket lunch in one minute I will completely ignore my common sense and never ask any questions how this is possible without any additional cost to me. Maybe it's not a free lunch, but definitely a "faster lunch"! Yes, I save time! Everybody loves to save time, what a great deal and at no additional cost!!!!! This is the best deal ever!!!!
Is there such a thing as a "faster lunch" or is there really a price we pay for this convenience. If you don't know by now, everything has a cost, but what is the true cost?
You can see what one week of microwaved water does to a healthy green vine. How do you quantify the number of times in your lifetime you have boiled water, coffee, tea, rice, muffins, meat, leftovers and calculate the amount of damage you may have inflicted on your poor body. If you have major health problems maybe your cost is higher. Do the experiment. Eating whacked out dead food should not be a part of anybody's daily routine.
So once again I'm not really sure what the cos is, but let it be known there is definitely is a cost. No free lunch. No faster lunch. You are definitely paying for it.
Maybe its time to get reaquainted with your old, old friends the stainless steel pots and pans again... that is if you haven't thrown them out already. Just don't use aluminum or teflon please... can you say STONEWARE OR CERAMICS?
A round of applause to the Bozos at the FDA and government for "protecting" us from microwaves over the last fifty years. Same can be said about pesticides, GMO's or whatevers poisons our food supply. THANKS LOSERS!!!
Lessons learned: Listen to your intuition. Question everything. Especially this blog, after all I just told you I got a crappy C minus in high school chemistry and I'm trying to replicate a science experiment for you? Whenever a corporation or agency makes a startling health discovery, question it fiercely. Whenever a thirteen year old middle school girl from Canada makes a startling health discovery for her school science project...... uh.. you should probably listen up. ;)
Two vines from the same plant, about the same length and number of leaves (seven).
microwaved water leaves lose color, begin to get smaller and look like
they have contracted some sort of disease. One of the leaves falls off
about 2.5 days into the experiment.
Compare the regular healthy boiled water plant on the left to the diseased fallen leaf.
Top: Gas Boiled Healthy Plant. Middle: Fallen leaves from Microwaved water plant Bottom: Vine left on floor for 4 days with no water, no blemishes, still intact on vine.
It's Day 7 and all but one leaf is left on the Microwave Water Plant Vine. The Gas Boiled Water Plant looks great and is even sprouting a new vine from the base, you can see it growing straight up in the back.
Original article.
I think I discovered why its been hard to debunk this experiment in the past. The best way is to eliminate 3 variables. Mature strong plants, overwatering/underwatering bias and most importantly SOIL quality. Soil has nutrients and it varies from location to location and can mask the deficiencies of the microwaved water... you need to run an experiment that uses only 100% water as the source of nutrition and only variable which would be just the plant and water in glass jars.
ReplyDeleteWhat you need to do run the experiment.
2 washed, sterilized and dried glass mason jars or regular drinking glasses
3 vines like Creeping Charlie (other ivy with like one inch diameter green leaves works well) or you can use some plant like Basil, Mint, Sage cut to about 8 inches or whatever looks right in the glass container
Labels, post it notes and markers...
Tap water... use the same source for microwave and boiling on stove top.
First boil tap water on stove like you normally do and let it cool to room temp.... do the same in a glass container in the microwave and also let it cool......
Mark the two glass containers with labels and markers... one Microwave Water and the other Boiled Water.
leave the third vine on the floor for the same amount of time to test for ZERO nutrients.
Fill the respective jars with water and place same size plants and find a nice sunny place to leave them.
Document with photos and send them here if you'd like me to post.